Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Analysis of Royale Comfort Seating Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of Royale Comfort Seating - Article Example many an(prenominal) of them die. Lives of many swear outers get disturbed like Ms. Farley is not able to resume a normal bearing after her occupational injury. The next section of the article, Foam Country, takes the discussion further by describing how work is organism done in Royale Comfort Seating, which is located in nitrogen Carolina. A polyethylene called slab stock becomes the change of mattresses, chairs, and cushions. This material arrives in the form of loaves. Cushions are attached to seats with glue. The whole environment gets fogged with glue. The work is tiring, and the workers feel dizziness after they have completed their shifts in the glue filled air at the workplace. They feel quite lightheaded when they leave for homes. This section also talks about the industrialization of North Carolina. The next section, The Chemicals Use Grows, talks about how the use of nPB glues has become widespread in some past years . It is inexpensive, strong, and reliable. Water-based glues are safer but expensive and can cost millions of dollars to the companies. Initially, companies would use a chemical called 1,1,1-trichloroethane as glue, but since it was thought of as damaging the ozone layer, the companies switched to methylene chloride. That also proved to be real damaging, killing many workers every year. OSHA took action, and companies started using nPB glues, which were as dangerous as the previous brand. So, some companies choose it while some banned it. Many damages to health due to this glue were reported in the next years. It was found that Royale was not taking safety measures while making use of this glue. There were no fans to eliminate the fumes, and the workers were not provided masks. OSHA has also not regulated the strictness about safety measures. The section, Improvised Remedies, talks about the interviews of Royales employees regarding the health damages they faced while working.

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