Friday, May 3, 2019

1.Discuss whether it can be argued that we all enjoy equal citizenship Essay

1.Discuss whether it can be argued that we all esteem equal citizenship rights in the UK - Essay ExampleCitizenship cannot be understood without an active theory of gender relations, and that governmental citizenship for women destabilizes private male oriented society and the family. Citizenship is about a transition from private to public patriarchy, not only the civilizing ofcapitalism.Citizenship has become a very popular subject of debate in the last some years, suitable nationally and internationally, by both Left and Right, as well as by feminists. The by-line in citizenship is not just in the narrow formalistic nitty-gritty of having the right to carry a specific passport. It addresses an overall concept summarizes the relationship between the individual(a), state and society. 1In the liberal tradition individual citizens are supposed to have equal status, equal rights and duties, etc., so that principles of inequality deriving from gender, ethnic, class or other contex ts are not supposed to be of relevance to the status of citizenship as such. The citizens are indeed constructed not as members of the community but as strangers to each other, although they are sharing a Gordian set of assumptions about and expectations of each other which, when not fulfilled, can be enforced by the state. 1This ego of one has been criticized, however, by the communitarians who claim that notions of rights and duties, as well as those of equality and privacy, have no meaning outside the context of particular communities are there with their views. On different grounds, the proponents of republicanism and the individualistic look of citizenship is passing disappointing. They argue that such a construction of citizenship denies the possibility of citizenship as constituting a membership in a moral community in which the notion of the common good is antecedent to the individual citizenship choice. Liberal construction of citizenship assumes the priority of right over good. Republicanism, on the

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