Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Pop Culture Media Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pop Culture Media Critique - Essay ExampleAs spy Will and Grace present the gay community as a society struggling for bankers acceptance while the show The rising Normal portrays the gay community as an accepted part of the society, horizontal the name suggests the acceptance as it refers to being gay as the new normal.The United States authorities thought the governance of George W. Bush capitally supported the theme presented by Will and Grace and it offered great support through the broadcast of hundreds of commercials on the sit-com with the help of the Bush campaign during the presidential campaigns.The heterosexual women in both shows play the role of supporting the couple and be used as the audiences judge on the gay characters. They are greatly important as they help the gay couple in sympathy their roles as partners and also enabled the audience in the acceptance of the gay in the society showing that they are simply as natural as any other community in the society. F or example, the women in The New Normal help the couple in acquiring an adopted child. (Will & Grace Season 1 Videos & Clips Online, clout The New

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