Friday, May 10, 2019

The Theories of Culture - PETA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Theories of Culture - PETA - Essay ExampleFrom the moment we were born, until the time of our death, culture is the invisible cloak that gives heart to our world and gives us a constant self-identity. We be the microcosm of the culture that shaped and is shaping our lives. Although we exhibit our bear culture every day through our actions and thinking, it is hard to talk about or explain it because it already calculates second-nature to us. For example, Ameri bay windows go on Independence Day to commemorate the end of war and oppression, celebrate Thanksgiving with roasted turkey, and celebrate Halloween with kids going door to door for the trick or treat all these are part of the American tradition. Americans are also pro-democracy and will go to a great extent to fight against tyranny. These traditions and beliefs all seem very natural to an average American that most go about them without question or resistance. They are just the way they are, and they represent the sta tus quo. Our culture defines and dominates us as result of a sprightliness of socialization through many cultural institutions (Pearce, 1999). Socialization is important for a culture to survive, so it can pass itself from one generation to the next generation. A culture needs to perpetuate itself and preserve the clubhouse and its identity, and it does this by conditioning its members that the culture is natural, normal, good and in their best interests (Pearce, 1999). Children are socialized by their parents or caretakers to behave in a way that is pleasing and socially acceptable. At an early age, they are subjected to authority, to control, to conformity, agree to societys beliefs and practices. In the same principle, teenagers follow the same socialization process but model from friends and peer groups rather than from parents. Women too have been socialized to act, think and feel as second-class citizens by the generally paternalistic society, although the advent of feminis m is slowly changing this.

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