Friday, May 31, 2019

Kinetic Sculpture :: Creative Writing Sculpture Essays

Kinetic Sculpture A six foot circular cheat on iron table is perfect to gather around for conversations. If one drops a glass on it theres no doubt it will shatter. this evening me and three kinetic sculptors will gather around the table to eat and discuss matters of sculpture. Where it is moving and what the best parts of it there are. Wm Dubin is on a even from Ireland right now. He is an excellent craftsman whos been around for a long time, since the abstract expressionist movements of the early 1950s. His work is quite elusive, it has never been self-possessed by anyone. He is somewhat corresponding William Blake. Hes an older man now, hes got hairy ears. Keeps to himself. People Ive talked to say he can be found wandering the streets of industrial zones, top hat and cane just staring at the steel ghosts of the Irish industrial era. This is where he pulls most of his inspiration. Its always hard to please old people, they must have t hings their way, theyre just used to it. My guess is that he probably eats like an old factory worker. Mashed potatoes, stew, beef stuff that a factory worker eats after a hard days work. His sculptures look like industrial parks fit for a world of people a quarter inch tall. There is gears, motors, engines, and polished pipes that lead to unknown places. The constant sound of electricity and firing of pistons all in uniform motion. He has such skill at precision tuning he could have been an excellent machinist. He believes in balancing technical skill and creative intuition. In the 1950s this was looked down upon by the initiates and artists, due to the abstract expressionist movement. Dubin was considered the enemy, his sculptures were polished, technical, and functional and in a school were free expression and uselessness of methodical approaches were embraced Dubin was an outsider. Maybe this is why he keeps to himself. The American

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Good Country People :: Literary Analysis, Oconnor

In Flannery OConnors stories, Good Country People, Everything that Rises must(prenominal) Converge, A Good Man is Hard to Find, and The Life You Save May Be Your Own, there are many equal characters and situations. Few, if any of the characters are likeable, and most of them are grotesque. Two of the stories have characters that view themselves as winner in one way or another to those near them, and in some cases these characters experience a downfall, illustrating the old proverb, Pride goeth before a fall (King James Bible ,Proverbs 1618). Two of the stories include a character that has some type of disability, three of the stories showcase a very turbulent relationship between a parent and child, and three of the stories contain a character that could easily be described as evil. In Good Country People there are two characters who believe that they are superior to others. Mrs. Hopewell describes herself as having no bad qualities of her own (DiYanni pg.189). She also takes it upon herself to categorize the people she meets as either, good country people or trash, (pg.188, 189).There do not expect to be any shades of grey in her thinking. Joy/Hulga Hopewell also sees herself as superior, save her superiority lies in her intellect. She makes it known that were it not for her ill wellness she would be at a university teaching people who knew what she was talking about (pg. 191). Although Joy/Hulga believes herself to be intellectually superior she is fooled by the Bible salesman to such an finale that he is able to steal her wooden leg (pg. 200).Everything that Rises Must Converge also contains two supposedly superior characters, Julian and his beget. Julians mother believes that she is superior because her grandfather was a former governor, a prosperous landowner with two-hundred slaves. She also believes that being white makes her superior to people of other races. She believes that those people should rise, but on their own side of the fence (pg. 21 4). Later in the story she offends a Negro woman by her patronizing treatment of the womans child. This woman is so upset that she physically attacks Julians mother (pg. 221). Julian also sees himself as superior. He feels superior to his mother because he does not see himself as racist. In reality he is as much a racist as his mother, but he shows his racism in a different way, seeking out those who he terms some of the better types to befriend (pg.

Symbolism of Mount Rushmore Essay -- Politics

The View from draw near RushmoreAmidst the Black Hills of South Dakota, the faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln watch oer the domain. George Washington, often called the father of the nation, was a leader in the American Revolutionary War to win independence from Great Britain and later became the first president of the joined States. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence and added territory that doubled the size of the nation through the Louisiana Purchase. Theodore Roosevelt demonstrated strength, sought to improve the country through the modernised movement, and constructed the Panama Canal ( Abraham Lincoln sought to keep the country united during the Civil War and ensured freedom to African American slaves. The memory of these great leadership of the United States of America is forever carved into stone. Tourists who visit the monument each year are reminded of the ideals of freedom and democracy tha t these four presidents fought for and instilled in this country. Gerard Baker, the superintendent of Mount Rushmore spoke about the significance of the monument saying, Mount Rushmore is a memorial that symbolizes America, and Americans should never lose sight of their cultural beginnings ( These men represent the freedom that this nation was founded on and yet, the image of this monument is often used to criticize the current situations of the country. Mount Rushmore has become more than a static symbol of freedom it has transcended the ultimo and has been utilized to create new and deeper meaning in a myriad of issues. Michael McGee defined ideographs as culturally-grounded, summarizing, and authoritative terms that enact their meaning by ... ...oon/ 2007. depicted object Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. 29 Oct. 2007. Public Broadcasting Station. 2 Dec. 2007 .Pismestrovic, Petar. Dreamland. Cartoon. 2007. Daryl Cagles Professional Cartoonists Index. 29 Oct. 2007.Dr. Seuss. Liberators of America. Cartoon. Introduction to Political Cartoons. 2007. 29 Oct. 2007 .Williams, Mike. Back of Mount Rushmore. Cartoon. 2007. Cartoonstock. 29 Oct. 2007 .

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A Doll’s House by Henrik Isben Essay -- English Literature Essays

A madams House by Henrik Isben A Dolls House by Henrik Isben is about a young woman and her life sentence. The main characters name is Nora Helmer. She is espouse to a bank manager named Trovald. In the earlyish years of their marriage just after their first child Trovald becomes ill. Doctors say that he will not live unless he goes abroad immediately. Nora takes it upon herself and borrows two hundred and fifty pounds from a money leader named Krogstad. She was dishonest with Trovald and said her father gave it to her. It was illegal because she forged her dying fathers signature on the document. Nora Helmer in a A Dolls House is a women ahead of her time. In order to protect her children from a false life, she inflicts tragedy upon herself by leaving every occasion she has by walking away. She puts herself in this tragic situation by not being honest. Nora lies to herself and the ones she cares about. Before she leaves her life is not her own person she is carrying on life as a role. Making others happy, instead of herself.As the play goes on, Nora seems to transform from her delicate little character into something much more. At the end of act one, Krogstad goes to Nora for the reminiscence of the money she had borrowed from him. You dont mean that you will key out my husband that I owe you money? (21). Since Nora was wrong in doing so socially, she could not tell Torvald or anyone else about her problem. Not only would that affect their social standard but also Torvalds ego, which inevitably would happen anyway. After Krogstad threatens to expose Nora for forging her fathers signature, she realizes that no matter what she does Torvald was going to know the truth. The flaw within this patriarchal framework becomes apparent when Nora discovers that she has no legitimate name of her own. She can use neither her married name nor her maiden name to borrow money. She finds that she cannot appropriate her fathers name. In other words, as a married woman sh e has neither authority nor identity. Panic begins to invest in and she begins to feel helpless because she has no power to do anything about the situation.In act two Nora continues to act as she is supposed to, as a perfect housewife. She confides in her friend Mrs. Linde about her problem with Krogstad for the first time, which shows that she is starting to break free from Torvald and think for herself. Knowing th... ... all my very own (62) ? By walking out she takes a position equal to her husband and brakes societys expectations.When we learn that the representation for Nora was intelligent and ambitious everything falls in to place. There is no need to wonder about motivation or changes of character sudden disclosure. The story A Dolls House is believable. It stands for every marriage where equating never took place. Many women knew their social status and lived as they were meant to, but for the few that realized there was more to the world then the sheltered life they wer e living, stony-broke free. Nora was one of the women who knew her place and acted accordingly until she saw that her name had no real value. She was not looked at as an individual, but she was seen as her fathers daughter or her husbands wife. The turn point for her decision to break free from this world and start her own life is very believable. She comes to see that her marriage isnt real. Nora no longer loves her husband and knows that he does not truly love her as well. She knows that there is so much more to discover in the world to understand, and until she does she will not allow another(prenominal) man to control her life.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The World of Sweatshops Essay -- Informative Essays

It is close to 100 degrees it has been at least ten hours since the last break. The woman on the job(p) conterminous to you severed her finger on the machine today, and the wage for one day of working will not be enough to buy a right on meal. How thrilling does it sound to work in a sweatshop? This is the only option for approximately women and children working in the leash world, to support their familys needs. There is real little, if anything being done to resolve this shocking situation. No person should be exposed to this type of work atmosphere. Sweatshops are inhumane working environments.Women and children are most often the ones affected by the cruelty of sweatshops. Child laborers in most countries serve to support their families to maintain the ordinary standard of living (Hartman). In third world countries, it is, in a sense, customary for children to do the bulk of the work to support their families. Women and children had to work in sweatshops to support their families (Olson, Wladaver-Morgan 525). When families immigrated to the United States, there were not umpteen jobs to be had their only choice for survival was for the women and the children of the family to work in sweatshops for bare minimum wages. Women and children are most closely associated with the abuses of sweatshops.Wages for women and children in sweatshops are farther from reasonable. Women and children always seem to suffer the worst effects in this work industry. According to Enderle, Firms that practice child labor tend to stunt the childrens egression and they preclude their developing and rudimentary skills learned in grade school so they can get decent jobs when they are adults and lead fulfilling lives (274). Children that are working in sweatshops are not de... ...ed a real solution, but chances of this are slim.Works CitedEnderle, Georges. International Business Ethics. Notre Dame, Indiana The University ofNotre Dame Press. 1999.Hartman, Laura Pincus. The E thical Challenge of planetary Labor Standards. Journal of Employment Discrimination Law 2.1 (winter 2000) 77. Business Source Premier.EBSCO. Roesch Library, Dayton. 16 Oct. 2002. .Moran, Theodore H. Beyond Sweatshops. Washington D.C. Brookings Institution Press, 2002.Olson, James S., and Susan Wladaver-Morgan. Dictionary of United States sparing History. Westport, CN Greenwood Press, 1992. 523-524.Wangel, Arne. Work Hazards and Safety Organization in the Third World. Acta Sociologica 31.4 (1988) 343-349. Business Source Premier. EBSCO. Roesch Library, Dayton. 16 Oct. 2002. .

The World of Sweatshops Essay -- Informative Essays

It is close to 100 degrees it has been at least ten hours since the last break. The woman working(a) succeeding(a) to you severed her finger on the machine today, and the wage for one day of working will not be enough to buy a dainty meal. How thrilling does it sound to work in a sweatshop? This is the only option for some women and children working in the third world, to support their familys needs. There is very(prenominal) little, if anything being done to resolve this shocking situation. No person should be exposed to this type of work atmosphere. Sweatshops are inhumane working environments.Women and children are most often the ones affected by the cruelty of sweatshops. Child laborers in most countries serve to support their families to maintain the ordinary standard of living (Hartman). In third world countries, it is, in a sense, customary for children to do the bulk of the work to support their families. Women and children had to work in sweatshops to support their fa milies (Olson, Wladaver-Morgan 525). When families immigrated to the United States, there were not many an(prenominal) jobs to be had their only choice for survival was for the women and the children of the family to work in sweatshops for bare minimum wages. Women and children are most closely associated with the abuses of sweatshops.Wages for women and children in sweatshops are farthest from reasonable. Women and children always seem to suffer the worst effects in this work industry. According to Enderle, Firms that practice child labor tend to stunt the childrens harvest-festival and they preclude their developing and rudimentary skills learned in grade school so they can get decent jobs when they are adults and lead fulfilling lives (274). Children that are working in sweatshops are not de... ...ed a real solution, but chances of this are slim.Works CitedEnderle, Georges. International Business Ethics. Notre Dame, Indiana The University ofNotre Dame Press. 1999.Hartman, L aura Pincus. The Ethical Challenge of spherical Labor Standards. Journal of Employment Discrimination Law 2.1 (winter 2000) 77. Business Source Premier.EBSCO. Roesch Library, Dayton. 16 Oct. 2002. .Moran, Theodore H. Beyond Sweatshops. Washington D.C. Brookings Institution Press, 2002.Olson, James S., and Susan Wladaver-Morgan. Dictionary of United States sparing History. Westport, CN Greenwood Press, 1992. 523-524.Wangel, Arne. Work Hazards and Safety Organization in the Third World. Acta Sociologica 31.4 (1988) 343-349. Business Source Premier. EBSCO. Roesch Library, Dayton. 16 Oct. 2002. .

Monday, May 27, 2019

Catcth Us If You Can Chapter 1-5

Chapter 1 Rory and his grandfather argon delay to see Dr Nicol, theirfamily doctor at the doctors waiting room. Rory c every(prenominal)s his grandfather as Granda. Granda can non sit still. He goes off to smoke his tubing and comes back. Granda walks over to the noticeboard. There is an old woman sit beside it. Rory asks Granda to sit still. A young girl near sixteen years old comes in with a baby in her arms. Granda stands up and opens the door for her. Granda asks Rory to dish up to take her bag. Granda likes the baby and starts talking to it. The young girl giggles and says the baby name is Lorelei.Granda then asks if the young girl calls her baby after Marilyn Monroe and she is confused. The young girl over again says that her babys name is Lorelei and not Marilyn. Granda is good ab prohibited reads and Marilyn Monroe is one of his favourites. Suddenly the old woman smells smoke. The young girl also smells it as well. She jumps up and shouts that Granda is on fire. Everyo ne in the doctors waiting room sees that Grandas pocket is burning. Then the smoke alarm begins to wail. The receptionist rushes to them yet Granda is still smiling. Rory grabs a vase make full with flowers from the receptionists counter and throws the water all over Granda.Dr Nicol is surprised to see Mister McIntosh wet. Granda complains that Rory is arduous to drown him. Rory says that it is not the first time his grandfather sets something on fire. Dr Nicol likes Granda and Rory twain are like double act that always makes him laugh. Dr Nicol is glad that he has a grandson like Rory who looks after him and reminds him to take his medicine. Dr Nicol tries to get Rory a home help. Rory agrees that a home help will be a good idea but Granda does not like it. Grandas memory is getting bad from worse. He leaves shoes in the fridge and milk at the bottom of the wardrobe.Rory needs help to look after hisgrandfather who is very forgetful nowadays. CHAPTER 2 Rorys grandfather likes to keep his homework somewhere safe and Rory is severe hard to locate his homework. Granda remembers put it in Rorys school bag when he is putting the rubbish down the chute. Rorys guess is right when he finds a bag of eggshells and potato peelings in his school bag. He imagines his homework lying among the rubbish. Rory does not know how to tell to his teacher, Mrs Foley. Darren Fisher, Rorys best friend suggests to him by saying that aliens take it away.Rorys other classmates gather around him at the playground trying to help him too. His friends like Granda and his stories. Granda is almost arrested for shoplifting when a hanger with a suit on it gets caught in the belt of his raincoat and he walks out of the shop without noticing it. Rory confesses to Mrs Foley about the loss of his homework. Mrs Foley asks about Grandas condition and if he is coming to Parents Night. Granda never misses it before. Mrs Foley asks Rory to stay back and do the homework. However, Rory cannot stay ba ck because Granda is making lunch and is waiting for him to brook lunch together.Rory runs out of the playground towards his flats. He buys two hot pies, one for him and one for Granda. Granda does not cook at all in particular Rory has to bring him lunch every day. Rory has to make sure Granda takes his medicine too. Granda is old now and Rory thinks that he has the responsibility to look after him. Chapter 3 Mr detonator, Rory, Darren and Mary Bailey areat the theater where football practice is going on. Mr Hoodasks Rory to be in the football team. Rory refuses as he has to look after his Granda. Darren and Mary quarrel. Mr Hood drags Mary to the headmasters office.Darren again suggests Rory to be on the team. Rory states the same reason. Darren thinks that Rorys Granda should be in a home and Rory is maddened about it. Granda always talks about Rachnadar, the topical anesthetic old peoples hospital to Rory. His Granda would rather die than to live there. Darrens mother tells Darren that Rorys Granda will be better there. Rory runs off before Darren could say another word. Granda altogether has Rory and Rory only has granda as his kin. Rory tries his best to coach Granda on how to behaveas Parents Night is coming up soon. He necessitates to reassure Mrs Foley that Granda has all his marbles.One day, Rory comes home to discover that Granda erroneously peels a bag of apples and cuts them into chips. Granda thinks that the apples are potatoes Granda also tries to help with the cooking but he leaves the electric rings switch on and burns out a pot. That night Rory and Granda are watching television when Granda watches Rory closely. Rory is thinking about his father. Granda is angry at the mention of Rorys father. Granda and Granny have spoilt him too much. He gets what he wants as a child. When he is tired of them, he throws them aside. He treats Rorys mother inthe same way.Rorys father leaves Rorys mother and Rory when he is a baby. Granda does not want to talk about Rorys father. Granda only has a son, none other than Rory Chapter 4 Rory and his Granda walk to the school on Parents Night. Granda wears slippers and they go back home again to spay so they are the last to arrive. There are many parents waiting patiently in queue. Darren comes and greets Granda. Granda looks around ans asks where Holy Foley is. Granda thengoes to the toilet on his own. He does not want Rory to accompany him. Rory is upset about Granda.Luckily Grandasteps back into the classroom. It is Rorys turn and Mrs Foley talks to Granda aboutRorys homework. Granda leans forward andsays that Mrs Foley indeed has moustache, just as what Rory has told him Suddenly, Mrs Foley smells that something is on fire. Cloudsof smoke is billowing from the pocket of Grandas coat hanging on a hook. Then Mrs Foleys coat, pale green with a little matching jerk offis on fire too because it is beside Grandas coat. People walk out of theclassroom into the playground as the careta ker ushers them. Granda goes to the toilet earlierto take a puff.Then he puts his pipe in his pocket but he forgets about it. However, Granda finds the whole thing funny and exciting just like other boys feel. Luckily, Darrens father helps to put out the fire. Mrs Foley looks at Granda angrily. Chapter 5 Darren and Rorys otherfriendsare delighted with Grandas attempt to set the school on fire and they exaggerate on it. Granda admits that it must have been his fault. Darrens mother is worried that it might happen again maybe in the middle of the night at Rorys home. She thinks that Rory should not shouldersuch big responsibility. He should be compete footballRory confirms it will not happen as he hides Grandas pipe before he goes to bed. Meanwhile, Val Jessup, the social workercomes to see Granda and Rory. She is sent by Dr Nicol. Val Jessup is trying to organise a home help who comes in at lunchtime and prepares food for Granda. She will also make sure Granda takes his medicine. Wi th the home help, Rory dreams of joining the football team again. Val Jessup makes Granda thinks of Grace Kelly, a beautiful film star just because both have fair hair Granda tucks Rory into bed andRory thinks life will be better as they have a social worker now.Mrs Foley asks Rory about things at home. Rory tells that now they have a social worker and will have a home help soon. One day after school, Rory runs for the bakery and two hot pies. The baker tells Rory about his flats which is on fire. Rory rushes to his flats. His neighbour, Mrs MacKay scolds Granda for causing the fire. Rory is very angry with her. He tries to defend his Granda. Rory throws himself at her and tries to kick her. The policemen stop him. One policeman informs Rory that Granda is in hospital now but he will be all right. Rory recalls that he hides his Grandas pipe.However, the policeman tells Rory that Granda leaves the chip an on and forgets about it. this causes the fire. Rory is perplexed as he does not know what is his Granda doing with a chip pan. CHAPTER 1 Characters 1. Mister McIntosh (Granda) (Rorys grandfather) 2. Rory 3. Dr Nicol (Grandas and Rorys family doctor) 4. old woman 5. young girl 6. baby (Lorelei) 7. Marilyn Monroe (was an American actress) 8. receptionist CHAPTER 2 Characters 1. Mister McIntosh (Granda) (Rorys grandfather) 2. Rory 3. Mrs Foley (Rorys teacher) 4. Darren Fisher (Rorys best friend) 5. Rorys classmates CHAPTER 3 Characters . Mr Hood 2. Rory McIntosh 3. Darren 4. Mary Bailey 5. Granda 6. Darrens mum 7. Mrs Foley 8. Rorys parents CHAPTER 4 Characters 1. Granda (Mister McIntosh) 2. Parents 3. Mrs Foley (Holy Foley) 4. Darren 5. Darrens father CHAPTER 5 Characters 1. Granda 2. Darren 3. Mrs Foley 4. Rorys friends 5. Some of the parents 6. the caretaker 7. Darrens mother 8. Rory 9. Val Jessup (the social worker) 10. Dr Nicol 11. a home help 12. Grace Kelly (a beautiful film star) 13. Mrs MacKay (Rorys neighbour) 14. the policemen CHAPTER 1 Settings 1. doc tors waiting room 2. toilet 3. the house 4. receptionists desk 5. he fridge 6. bottom of the wardrobe 7. Dr Nicols office 8. Rorys pocket CHAPTER 2 Settings 1. on the table 2. in the schoolbag 3. kitchen 4. chute 5. school 6. playground 7. road 8. across the street 9. block of flats 10. the bakers CHAPTER 3 Settings 1. Football field 2. playground 3. headmasters office 4. Rachnadar, the local old peoples hospital (home) 5. Rorys home CHAPTER 4 Settings 1. school 2. the toilets 3. the classrooms 4. Rorys home 5. the playground CHAPTER 5 Settings 1. the school 2. living room 3. Rorys chamber 4. the toilet 5. Grandas bedroom 6. the bakery 7. flats 8. the hospital

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Nursing Home

Previously, facilitateing of a wellness business revive service was a great concern on the part of the tolerants. Some of the possible common land concerns are poor number of wellness professionals, non availability of treatments and correct inaccessible domains from which to amaze wellness work However, due to the development of various initiatives to make health care conveniently avail adequate to(p), one of the close to promising alternatives for the time-worn population is to avail of the nursing folk services.Nursing dental plate service can be seen as an integral part of health care institutions today. This segment of providing quality health care has been realized so that people who need to get medical and health circumspection outside of the hospital premise can still obtain the about needed service. Nursing and health professionals can now welcome fussy arrangements to be designated in various households in which care is needed for special reasons. One very practical ground is the physical limitation of the patients especially the elderly.Do elderly people forget really public assistance from the nursing home program? One favorable approach is to see the advantages. There are so galore(postnominal) benefits senior citizens may be able to get from this health program. In a particular perspective, it can simply become the intimately sensible elbow room for patients to get the service they need unconstipated if they are not within the parameters of a normal health institution.There are several advantages for the elderly if they are to avail the home nursing service. The first of which comes in the aspect of convenience. As what that program intends to accomplish, nursing aides and caregivers will be able to provide their services in an extended time since they will be staying at the current home where the patient is situated. Because of such arrangement, patients will be able to get immediate attention for whatever needs they may r equest. Because of the high-pitched rate of monitoring time that the elderly can get from professionals, they can be assisted in doing close all ordinary tasks that may be too difficult for them to handle by themselves. According to the facts in the Thomas Day report, some of the top military rating nursing home assistances tabulated were bathing, dressing, managing personal possessions and managing money.Another good benefit for the elderly in availing these nursing home services can be attri notwithstandinged on the aspect of cost. Apparently, most nursing home facilities were already designated to have special arrangements with various insurance companies and Medicare as stated by Terrence Moynihan of Vitalco. Actually, it can be more cost potent on the part of the patient and his family to acquire external services without the need to consolidate all their money in paying for services from a leash party institution.Many of the patients are subsidized in a particular time fra me by institutions which are connected to the healthcare programs both public and hush-hush entities. Moreover, nursing home institutions accredited by the government can somehow provide the same facilities which hospitals have. Of course, these utilities like those in hospitals can be very dear(predicate) at first glance but can be very reasonable according to Consumer Information about nursing facility myths.If an elderly is recovering from a particular illness, surgery or other physical factors, additional benefit can be realized. While it is already important to have a very good system which will look after the welfare of the patient, it is to a fault vital that emotional and social aspects be nurtured. Obviously, elderly people fill from a great change in their philosophy in life which may affect their relationships with their immediate family members. According to the University of Texas publication, late life mentalhealth can also change dramatically. However, in a home n ursing facility, they may be able to interact with other patients and other people to whom they can considerably part experiences, have small conversations with and maybe even develop good bonds of friendship. Thus, the patient will not just be healed physically but emotionally as well.One last advantage of a nursing home program for the elderly is that the overall health standing of the patient can be easily accessible and conveniently retrieved by parties which concern the welfare of the patient. For example, since the nursing home facility will be able to track down and take visor of the progress of the patient, it will be oftentimes easier for the facility and other health care institutions to coordinate with each other if the exchange of information will be needed in the future.If a patient will need to undergo a special treatment or healthcare process in a hospital or clinic, then the departments interested can easily recover records from other health care facilities for f aster decision making on how to take the needs of the patient. In terms of health care, information can be a very important commodity especially if the situation of the client worsens. In some situations, ease in imparting may also be sighted as a good implication in availing nursing home services. To make it more practical, some institutions were authorized to have a dual registration. These enable the patients to avail both residential and nursing home services without the need to change locations according to the Devon County CouncilGiving the proper(ip) care to the elderly using the most effective alternatives in realizing the intention can become one of the most significant goals of the society to further improve the integrity of its social responsibility to the aged. Because of the creation of nursing home facilities, patients can now enjoy to acquire the lift out possible services for all their needs.ReferencesConsumer Information. 2005. quick in a Nursing Home Myths a nd Realities. Retrieved November 27, 2007Day, T. 2007. About Nursing Homes. Long Term Care Link. Retrieved November 24, 2007 from http// 2007. Choosing a residential or Nursing Home. Devon County Council. Retrieved November 24, 2007 from http//, T. 2005. give for Nursing home Care. Vitalco. Retrieved November 27, 2007 from http// of Texas. 1997. Understanding Late Life Mental Health. Retrieved November 27, 2007 from http// HomePreviously, availing of a health care service was a great concern on the part of the patients. Some of the possible common concerns are poor number of health professionals, non availability of treatments and even inaccessible domains fr om which to acquire health services However, due to the development of various initiatives to make health care conveniently available, one of the most promising alternatives for the elderly population is to avail of the nursing home services.Nursing home service can be seen as an integral part of health care institutions today. This segment of providing quality health care has been realized so that people who need to get medical and health attention outside of the hospital premises can still obtain the most needed service. Nursing and health professionals can now have special arrangements to be designated in various households in which care is needed for special reasons. One very practical ground is the physical limitation of the patients especially the elderly.Do elderly people will really benefit from the nursing home program? One good approach is to see the advantages. There are so many benefits senior citizens may be able to get from this health program. In a particular perspect ive, it can simply become the most sensible way for patients to get the service they need even if they are not within the parameters of a normal health institution.There are several advantages for the elderly if they are to avail the home nursing service. The first of which comes in the aspect of convenience. As what that program intends to accomplish, nursing aides and caregivers will be able to provide their services in an extended time since they will be staying at the current home where the patient is situated. Because of such arrangement, patients will be able to get immediate attention for whatever needs they may request. Because of the high rate of monitoring time that the elderly can get from professionals, they can be assisted in doing almost all ordinary tasks that may be too difficult for them to handle by themselves. According to the facts in the Thomas Day report, some of the top rating nursing home assistances tabulated were bathing, dressing, managing personal possess ions and managing money.Another good benefit for the elderly in availing these nursing home services can be attributed on the aspect of cost. Apparently, most nursing home facilities were already designated to have special arrangements with various insurance companies and Medicare as stated by Terrence Moynihan of Vitalco. Actually, it can be more cost effective on the part of the patient and his family to acquire external services without the need to consolidate all their money in paying for services from a third party institution.Many of the patients are subsidized in a particular time frame by institutions which are connected to the healthcare programs both public and private entities. Moreover, nursing home institutions accredited by the government can somehow provide the same facilities which hospitals have. Of course, these utilities like those in hospitals can be very expensive at first glance but can be very reasonable according to Consumer Information about nursing facility myths.If an elderly is recovering from a particular illness, surgery or other physical factors, additional benefit can be realized. While it is already important to have a very good system which will look after the welfare of the patient, it is also vital that emotional and social aspects be nurtured. Obviously, elderly people suffer from a great change in their philosophy in life which may affect their relationships with their immediate family members. According to the University of Texas publication, late life mentalhealth can also change dramatically. However, in a home nursing facility, they may be able to interact with other patients and other people to whom they can easily share experiences, have small conversations with and maybe even develop good bonds of friendship. Thus, the patient will not just be healed physically but emotionally as well.One last advantage of a nursing home program for the elderly is that the overall health standing of the patient can be easily accessi ble and conveniently retrieved by parties which concern the welfare of the patient. For example, since the nursing home facility will be able to track down and take note of the progress of the patient, it will be much easier for the facility and other health care institutions to coordinate with each other if the exchange of information will be needed in the future.If a patient will need to undergo a special treatment or healthcare process in a hospital or clinic, then the departments concerned can easily recover records from other health care facilities for faster decision making on how to address the needs of the patient. In terms of health care, information can be a very important commodity especially if the situation of the client worsens. In some situations, ease in transfer may also be sighted as a good implication in availing nursing home services. To make it more practical, some institutions were authorized to have a dual registration. These enable the patients to avail both residential and nursing home services without the need to change locations according to the Devon County CouncilGiving the proper care to the elderly using the most effective alternatives in realizing the intention can become one of the most significant goals of the society to further improve the integrity of its social responsibility to the aged. Because of the creation of nursing home facilities, patients can now enjoy to acquire the best possible services for all their needs.ReferencesConsumer Information. 2005. Living in a Nursing Home Myths and Realities. Retrieved November 27, 2007 from http//, T. 2007. About Nursing Homes. Long Term Care Link. Retrieved November 24, 2007 from http// 2007. Choosing a Residential or Nursing Home. Devon County Council. Retrieved November 24, 2007 from http// nto_a_care_home_in_devon_2.htm.Moynihan, T. 2005. Paying for Nursing home Care. Vitalco. Retrieved November 27, 2007 from http// of Texas. 1997. Understanding Late Life Mental Health. Retrieved November 27, 2007 from http//

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Shell Oil Company Case Study

musical scale Oil Company is a world-wide group of petrochemicals and energy companies and a subsidiary of munificent Dutch call on the carpet that was created in 1907. It is amultinational gas and embrocate social club that has its origins from Anglo-Dutch and their headquarters is in The Hague, Netherlands. casing is one of the biggest oil and gas companies worldwide and one of the most profitable. 3% of the worlds internal gas and 2.5 of its oil is insured by stupefy. The gild is employing more than than than 80.000 lot in more than 80 countries around the world and 22.000 of these employees ar based in the US where they render approximately 25.000 branded gas stations. According to its revenue in 2010, (285 129 million dollars) Shell is the second largest caller in the world.Shell Oil company has a wide range of activities by in operation(p) in regions such as the States especially and overly in the rest of the world. The activities of the company consist in ex ploring for and extracting staring(a) oil and natural gas most of the period in quislingism with international and national oil companies. They provide liquefied natural gas to nodes all around the world by cooling it and also convert natural gas into liquids in order to provide cleaner burning fuels. The multinational sells daily a quantity of petrol and diesel sufficient to fuel more than 16 million cars and to furnish electricity for 34 million home orbicularly. Shell also converts bitumen, a thick and heavy oil extracted from mined oil sands into synthetic crude oil and develops wind power with the goal of generating electricity.These activities are all array of the companys Upstream line of merchandisees and it has interests in Europe, Asia, centerfield East, Russia, Africa and Oceania. Shell also has a Downstream organization that is made up of a large number of production linees. These activities principally consist in turning crude oil into refined products, which a re transported and sold worldwide for domestic, industrial, and transport purpose, fuels, bitumen and lubricants included. Refining, Distri stillion and Supply are the main activities of their Manufacturing trade. Shell trades crude oil, oil products, and petrochemicals first to optimize raw materials for their Manufacturing business and to supply their Marketing business. The company also has a CO2 organization in charge of coordinating the activities of the CO2 management at bottom the company. Shell Tradings global network includes its activities in every important energy market around the world.MANAGEMENT TEAM OF SHELLPETER VOSERHe joined Shell in 1982 after his graduation in Business Administration from the Applied Science University in Zurich. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Shell since July 2009. He had occupied many positions such as Chief Financial Officer and had also been an Executive Director of Royal Dutch Shell forrader cosmos chief operating officer and has a lot of old age of experience. He has also served in other companies such as the Asea Brown Boveri. He has been CFO of Shell Europe Oil Products as well from 1999 to 2001.SIMON HENRYHe is the Chief Financial Officer of the company and at the same time a particle of the board of Royal Dutch Shell. He has joined it in 1982 after his graduation in Mathematics from Cambridge University. He is also very experimented for having held several positions before his appointment as CFO. From 2004 until his appointment he was occupying the position of Executive Vice President Finance for Exploration and Production.2.0 How Shell is affected by its environs The environment in business is considered as the forces that may affect the current or coming activities of an organization. The environment in an organization includes the specific environment also know as task environment and the world-wide environment.2.1 SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENT The specific environment or internal environment is the one th at can be controlled by the business. Its components that include the customers, the suppliers, the competitors and the pressure group can directly affect the business. 2.1.1 CustomersCustomer is the main point of any business. The success of any business depends on the grandness given to the customers. The encounter customers have on Shell vary according to the area. In approximately countries where people have low income the increase of the oil toll that occur most of the time can be amajor problem. Most of the people cant continually afford the gas needful for their cars beca call of its high price. In some countries the quality of the serve that leaves to be desired is part of the main complains of Shell customers. These factors resulted in a loss of trust of the customers and had an impact on the companys image profit.2.1.2 SuppliersA number of various suppliers are needed in any business enterprise. Suppliers provide raw materials and components to the company. Shell supp liers are also its internal stakeholders and partners in the chain of production. Bringing petrol from the oil well to the petrol pump is their main duty. A neglect of dependability or efficiency in this task can result in a succession of problems affecting directly the company well-being because suppliers are part of the organizations internal environment.Shell has always been in costly terms with it suppliers, but the company is nevertheless preventive concerning its supply chain. Shell has various content determine that are important in the way that the company runs. Its suppliers mustiness adapt to these values for a continuous good partnership because any lack in the supply chain could be defective to the companys good running.2.1.3 CompetitorsFor a business competitors are the companies that are in the same manufacture and deliver same products or serve to customers. Shell main competitors include Exxon Mobil, PETRONAS, Chevron and CITGO, Total. These companies represe nt a danger for Shell because they provide the same service and products and often with substantial discount on their price. In the early 90s Shell was the most profitable company in Europe but it had been in the process of restructuring.The main reason was that the R.O.C (Return of Capital of the company) was lagging behind Exxon the companys main competitor. Shell had approximately 117,000 employees in 1993 and it decreased to 106,000 in 1994. The net income of the company also decreased to 36% from 1993 to 1994. All these facts occurred because of competition.2.2 GENERAL ENVIRONMENTThe general environment is also known as nonmarket environment, it is composed of the Economic, socio-cultural, political, demographic,technologic and sometimes global factors that can affect the business performance. It includes the interactions in the midst of the firm and the government or global entities.2.2.1 Political factorsPolitical factors include the legislations of a government businesses a re obliged to respect.. brass policies on Shell have a big impact on Shell Oil Company, because the productions rate in Oil business is affected by these policies. Taxes on petroleum applied in the countries where refineries are built also affect the business. Political instability of countries where Shell has its refinery can also be a factor that affects the business. In Nigeria Shells profit were higher than elsewhere, but the political instability that occurred in that country in the yesteryear years has really impacted the business and its profit in that particular area.2.2.2 Economic factorsFor a business the economic environment refers to the economic factors that can have an effect on the business well-being. These factors include economic systems, policies, resources, nature of economy and the economic legislation. The high unemployment rate in countries where Shell operates is an unfavorable factor. The Gross field of study Product Trend and the inflation rate are also factors that affect Shell Oil Company. In the last five years the joint accident of the Shell Oil Company in Nigeria has participated about more than $38million to the economy of the country, tax and royalty included and is receiving annually 95% of the profit from the companys onshore production in the Niger Delta. This is economically affecting the business in terms of income. The corruption pertaining in Nigeria which is one of the most corrupted countries in Africa has its impacts and is preventing the company to do its business ethically.2.2.3 Socio-Cultural factorsShell is operating in almost all the parts of the world, so the company has to deal with the cultural and societal differences. Society and enculturation function all the aspects of an overseas business, the business has to be aware of the opinions, feelings and attitudes in the local environment. In Nigeria most of the young people living in the delta where Shell is operating are uneducated and are living in the misery.In 1999 militaryyouths hijacked sixty four Shell staff and blocked all access roads. This violent culture of Nigerians isnt a good factor for the company that made of this country one of its more important areas of operation. The military youths spilled the oil near the SPDC Shell fossil oil Development Company areas. The company has been obliged to pay compensation for spoiling the environment and prevent the crash of local social infrastructure. This is one of the multiple socio-cultural factors confront by the Shell worldwide.2.2.4 Technological factorsA business enterprise in order to have competitive advantage over others has to make action plans on time to adjust with technological advancements. Aware of that Shell has over the years tried to accommodate his services according to the technological advancements. They have introduced the Shell Oil bait for payment at Shell station and this was a great innovation. But since technology isnt available in all the regions of the world there were some drawbacks with the use of the card, for example it is not accepted in some countries or worst people dont have access to it. Shell is providing his services in a lot of African countries and most of the time it is in that part of the world that a consequent technological lack is noticeable.2.2.5 Environmental factorsOil companies worry Shell have to take especially care of the environment because they are using substances that can damage the environment. Shell has been accused in the recent years of pollution by farmers in the Nigerian delta where it has one of its most important operations. Even if the court has acquitted the company in that case, that event made people doubting of the social responsibility of the company.Farmer in the Nigerian Delta .3.0 How Shell adapted to the changes in its environment? 3.1 Adaptation to the changes in the specific environment3.1.1 CustomersFor customer satisfaction, speed of service is an important value that needs to be taken in account by organizations. Technology has made it easy forbusinesses to meet the customer needs in a very quick way which is connectivity. Aware of that Shell has set up the Shell Customer Lounge that is a website which makes easy the business between Shell and its customers. This service according to Peter Voser has brought a lot of satisfactions to Shells customers and allowed the company to handle some problems that occurred in recent years collect to a lack of promptness and speed by the company. Shell is nerve-wracking somehow to make the price of their services meet the income of their customers according to the area by trying to make it affordable.3.1.2 CompetitorsRelative to its competitors Shells performance was very weak and in order to avoid what happened in the 90s when the companys return on capital lagged behind Exxon the former head of the company decided to change the strategies. The company realized that the real purpose of effective mean is to chan ge the way the decision makers think. Shell, in order to gain competitive advantage over its main competitors is implementing a strategy that others can hardly repeat. The company came up in the last years with unique skills in terms of technology and integration, and a worldwide set of opportunities for future investments. According to Peter Voser the CEO of the company, Shells efforts to expand its pipeline of possible energy projects are already successful and this can be a real way to pop off competitive advantage over the companys competitors.3.1.3 SuppliersFor a business it is of a capital importance to develop long term and quality relationships with those taking part in the business process such as suppliers. Shell forces its suppliers to be in accordance with its business principles and core values for a good relationship and good terms of work. The company has made clear in its code of conducts report that they will stop all activities with any supplier that does not mat ch all these qualifications. This is a way to shift any potential changes relative to its supply chain.3.2 Adaptation to the changes in the general environment3.2.1 Adaptation to the political factorsTo front the political factors that affect its business Shell has revised its business strategies in hostile and turbulent environment particularly in Nigeria. The company made grooming to be able to face any identical scenario that could occur in the future by focusing on medium term planning quite of long term planning. Shell has set up a discussion with workshops for a better interaction with the local communities in Nigeria and also pressurized their workers for radical changes in turbulent environment.3.2.2 Adaptation to the economic factorsTo adapt to the economic problems confront in certain of their operating areas, Shell has set up a lot of strategies particularly in Nigeria. The company is facing a lot of problems in that area due to the difficulty of the economy such as th e taxes imposed on their business and the corruption. The head of the company said that they have to keep on making huge profit every year because the taxes and government regulations on the company are unavoidable. Shell identifies its own core values as honesty and respect for people to fight against the corruption which is affecting its activities in Nigeria. Shell communicated its anti-corruption principles by providing educate programs and also made its workers aware of the importance of having legal and non-corruptive activities. The company has implemented various policies and initiatives to do its business properly without any kind of corruption, illegal or unethical practices.3.2.3 Adaptation to the socio-cultural and technologic factorsFor a company it is of a capital importance to know how to deal with the social and cultural factors in the area of operations. Shell faced a lot of socio cultural factors that affected its business in the past years. These factors had a ne gative impact on Shell running but the company aiming to cover a bigger area to implement its activities is still continuing to adapt itself in hostile and violent environment like Nigeria. Since the world knows a fast technological advance businesses must know how to adapt to these changes. This can help to get a competitive advantage on others. Shell is trying to make its oil card available in regions where there is a technological backwardness such as certain parts of Africa.4.0 CONCLUSION4.1 ObjectivesKnowing that without customers a business cant run in the long term Shell major objectives is to win and maintain customers by providing to them products and services that offer value in terms of price and quality. The company is also aiming to meet customers want value for money that is to provide the highest quality of services at competitive prices. Shells people knowing that this can give a quick stop to the achievement of the companys goals are trying to find solutions to allo w the use of the card everywhere in the world. Shell has various core values that are important in the way that the company runs. Its suppliers must adapt to these values for a continuous good partnership because any lack in the supply chain could be defective to the companys good running. Shells main objectives are to extract and deliver oil profitably by respecting the social and environmental norms. The company is looking forward to get a bigger standard of performance and maintain their position in terms of competition in the areas they operate.4.2 RecommendationsThe company should work closer with its customers its partners and its policymakers to proceed to more sustainable use of energy. In Nigeria Shell should go further in their strategies to fight the bad impact the political and economic factors have on the company because the general environment is as important as the specific and all these factors can be really harmful to the good running of the company. Shell Group mus t engage responsibly and profitably in oil and other businesses of their choices, participate in the research of other sources of energy to keep on satisfying customer needs.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Evolution of Medical Practice Essay

1) Great Cases in Bioethics, compiled & edited by Paul A. Lombardo (2005) available at the fairness school copy center2) Limits The Role of virtue in Bioethical Decisionmaking, by Roger B. Dworkin (Indiana, 1996) & Strangers at the Bedside A History of How Law and Bioethics Transformed the Practice of Medicine, by David J. Rothman (Harper-Collins, 1991). These are available for background material.on reserve at the Law Library & the Center for BioethicsThe field of Bioethics has developed over the past thirty years as a product of several shifts in American ethnical consciousness. The pervasive use of rights-based rhetoric borrowed from the civil rights movement contributed to the evolution in the role of physicians as they relate to patients. An ongoing conversation about the impact of virtue in shaping medical practice also influenced the current complexion of Bioethics as an area of study. A number of legal cases stand as signposts for little moments in the history of Bioethi cs. They mark the changing public perception of the intersection of science, medicine, personal values and law. This seminar explores those cases.The first two weeks of the seminar will include a logical argument orientation and geographic expedition of two cases by the instructor. Each week thereafter will feature a presentation on one or to a greater extent seminal cases, prepared by one or more students. The second hour of the seminar will be a discussion period that focuses on the ethnical impact, legal significance and ethical issues raised by the cases. In addition to a class case presentation and involvement in seminar discussions, each law student will be required to complete a look paper building on material presented during the case presentation. Students should be prepared to take aim a topic and presentation date at the first seminar meeting.Guidelines for Class displayations and papersEach student is required to choose a case and hazard a class presentation that e xplores the historical, legal, and ethical context of the case. The rest of the students will prepare for the class by reading the case opinion(s).In the first hour, students shouldPresent the case in its historical setting, budgeting time to entertain questions during or at the end of the hour. The presentation should highlight critical facts of the case, with particular attention to both facts and arguments that make engendered ethical debate.Describe the responses of commentators (ethicists and other) to the case when it was decidedNote the prevailing norms of that period with reference to the ethical and legal issues in the casethis will require a search of the literature of the periodBe prepared to answer the question Why is this a paradigm case (or set of cases) in the history of bioethics, in other words, why does this case have enduring significance in ethical and legal debate?Students should plan their seminar presentation by meeting with the professor well in advance of the scheduled presentation date.ResourcesA variety of resources may be used, including journal articles from the legal and medical literature, other cases that preceded and followed it, and contemporary media reporting that will explain the social/cultural reaction to the case. Audio visual aids, including video/audio tapes, slides or overheads may be used to elucidate elements of the case.Depending on the time at which the case occurred and the amount of commentary (of various kinds) it may have generated, each student may use different types of resource material, and may choose a different disciplinary perspective from which to present the case. Research for the presentation should range from popular & professional books and articles that elucidate the case and its impact to nurture found on the Internet. Students will be expected, as part of the class session, to provide other seminar participants with copies of a detailed outline of their presentation. A bibliograpy (1-2 page s) of sources must take after the materials.The second hour will involveA discussion with assistance from other students and the Professor, to place the case in the current ethical and legal context. What are the contemporary ethical issues with which the case is now associated? What current cases need to be examined in reference to the Great Case? Where does the debate stand today? What is at stake ethically in the debate and what is your position on the issues?Seminar PaperEach student will be required to write a research paper of significant size and substance on a topic that expands on or relates to the case presented in class. The paper will provide an in-depth exploration of issues raised during the class discussion or in conference with the Professor, and will incorporate reference material discovered during research. The paper should be no slight than 25 pages, and should demonstrate familiarity with the scholarly literature in the relevant areas.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Boston Beer Company Essay

1. Evaluate the attractiveness of the craft beer segment relative to the market space occupied by the traditionalisticistic Big Three. (tip use the Five Forces framework). a. High Threat of new competition over 600 of specialty beer companies were founded over the past five years, approximately 40% festering each years. In addition, the existence of contract brewing companies lead to low entry cost. b. High substitution The attractiveness of craft brewing pains are majorly based on unique styles and flavors of beer. there are many different brands and styles of beer so the actual threat of substitutes is high.c. The intensity of competitive rivalry is in any case high while there is a major growth of new entry, the market size shows little growth. This creates tremendous competitive pressures among the industry. d. Bargaining power of buyers duty period cost for buyers are low, as there are many different substitution and pickings. companies has to consistently maintain high q uality in order to bear customers. e. Bargaining power of suppliers switching cost for suppliers are high for the traditional Big Three, as their supplies are tied to their own brewies.Craft brewing companies has the option of switch breweries in a relatively low cost, as the suppliers know they have options to supply other breweries. This allows them to charge higher prices than the big three. 2. Evaluate capital of Massachusetts Beers business model relative to Redhook and Petes, comparing their business models with respect to specific activities such as procurement, brewing, distribution, and marketing. BBCs strategy of producing the highest quality of products, the company chased four initiatives high quality standards, contract brewing, intensive sales and marketing, and product line innovations.Unlike BBC and Petes, redhook relies on its own breweries. Redhook also established a strategic alliance with Anheuser-Busch whereby Redhook products were sold through the nation-wide network of 700 distributorships in exchange for a 25% equity stake in the company. Similar to BBC, Petes operates on a contract brewing basis and stress heavily on marketing. In retrospect, BBC intended to remain a contract brewer exclusively, capitalizing on lower viewgraph and transportation costs while continuing to invest heavily in its branded products.Redhook believed that its long-term growth and profitability were best served by assembling the largest company-owned action capacity of any domestic craft brewer, guaranteeing production capacity in more than one geographic region of the United States. Redhook also made a substantial investment in distribution, gaining access to Anheuser Buschs nation-wide network of resellers. Petes, on the other hand, appeared to be following a combination of these two strategies by producing its products at both company-owned and third-party breweries. 3. How realistic analysts long-term growth forecasts (25% to 40% for the craft-brewing se gment)?Based on the porter five forces analysis, the craft brewing segment has many advantages over the traditional big three, which explains the 40% growth rate. However the large number of new entries companies has already created a tremendous amount of competitions among its own, which retard the long term growth in my opinion and makes the forecasts of 25% to 40% seem unrealistic. 4. What do you recommend to Boston Beer? a. While the US market size remains somewhat stable. By exporting globally, will introduce BBC to new markets and additional sales b. Forming strategic alliance will help combat the increasing competition among industries.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

IT Security Essay

With the advent of the new scientific age, disdaines and individuals find it more and more difficult to cope with the growing kernel of information. The more technological businesses become, the more information they are compelled to process and store, thus creating a whole set of ch completelyenges and controversies in the IT field. The problem is that managing business information is unthinkable without developing and implementing effective data storage systems.Very often, backing up business data to a remote location becomes the only possible message to guarantee effectiveness of all information processes within organization. In this context, online documentation go could voltagely resolve the most complicated IT go forths in business. Really, in business, organizations gathering large amounts of information about their products, market reputation, customers, and competitors. They work to determine the major weaknesses and strengths of their sales strategies and use thi s information in the process of achieving strategic organizational objectives. info improves organizations competitive positions, and the company losing information may have its competitive edge dulled. Losing a competitive edge bed be a significant comprise to any business, but even losing competitive edge is not as dangerous as losing and revealing information about possible business vulnerabilities and gaps to potential and current competitors (Halibozek, Jones & Kovacich, 2007). The fact is that the loss of data may take different forms and patterns the reasons of losing information are also many and numerous.Regardless of whether the loss of data is caused by a virus or an external attack, customer files, emails, financial and accounting information all these may become a serious threat to the stableness of businesses. Statistical research suggests that one half of businesses that lose critical information file for bankruptcy (Jacobi, 2005) as such, online backup mechanisms seem to be a feasible solution to the discussed problems. The problem of losing information is well-known to businesses, but here it is more than important to investigate the relevance of online backup work.The problem of losing information in business is significant from the IT security perspective for numerous reasons these include the risks of losing competitiveness, the risks of bankruptcy, and the risks of competitive vulnerability, as discussed in the previous paragraph. Investigating the relevance of online backup services is needed to measure out its effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and the principles of use. Losing information seems a difficult and hardly resolvable problem, but with the current speed of technological advancement, even the most controversial and difficult technological issues can be successfully resolved.The issue of losing data is not an exception, and TechSoup meta-site provides brief but comprehensible information with regard to using online backup services. Upon visiting the website, the first depiction is that information is well- social systemd, is divided into several subcategories, and is written in an easy understandable language the features that even inexperienced IT users can use to grasp the meaning of online backup services. Furthermore, it is objectivity of provided data and the lack of clear or hidden advertising that makes the website fully informative and not imposing.That the authors discuss both pros and cons of using online backup services makes it possible for the reader to make a relevant and justified choice and where online backup services display serious technological limitations, the meta-site provides a set of recommendations for overcoming these limitations in practice (Lasa, 2006). For example, when it comes to using online backup services, speed and amount of data backup is limited by the speed of your Inter elucidate connection. Online backup over dial-up connection provide be slow and is genera lly only suitable for small amounts of data (Lasa, 2006).Here, it also means that the speed of data management and its effectiveness largely depends on the particular choice of Internet providers. Bearing in mind the variety and number of Internet companies in the market, choosing the right one with the best and the most clutch speed of connection will help companies resolve these issues at hand. Also, the meta-site suggests that companies that limit their choice of data storage mechanisms to online backup services actually trust all important information to a single person (and provider), and in case the data is lost, the given provider will hardly be able to prepare it.To mitigate these risks, the authors also recommend using CDs or DVDs to archive backed-up data (Lasa, 2006). These are the most feasible solutions to the issues, with which online backup services can be associated. In general, the website provides detailed and unbiased information about online backup services. Un fortunately, the information regarding the seriousness of data storage issues is absent. As such, IT users may not understand the seriousness of the issue and may not be willing to seek immediate and effective solutions.Even when the need to investigate the problem arises, IT professionals will need to search the net for possible statistical or descriptive information with regard to the issue of losing information and its impact on businesses. Nevertheless, the provided information is structured in a substance that makes it easier to understand HOW to cope with the growing information management tensions. The website does not simply describe how online backup services work, but evaluates their benefits and drawbacks, and provides a set of recommendations for choosing a provider.The structure of information is extremely convenient and is designed to cover broad audiences. Conclusion Certainly, the mere fact that IT users can access information about backup services does not mean tha t the issue of data management and storage is no longer relevant. On the contrary, the more meta-sites devote time and effort to describing such services, the more concerned they become about possible implications of losing information in business.Objectively, technology works to provide IT users and professionals with a whole set of effective instruments for storing and managing data and it is self-explanatory that online backup services can significantly reduce the risks of losing important and sensible data. Simultaneously, even when using online backup services, there is still much room for technological improvement, and whether businesses and individuals are offered relevant technological solutions depends on the speed and the quality of the current technological progress.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Health And Social Care Essay

This instance survey is about an 80 old ages old male with asymptomatic ab aortic aneurism who presented to his GP with some some other symptoms unrelated to abdominal aortal aneurism. The writer will analyze the diagnosing of his aneurism, the mode employ, the intervention and direction. Diagnosis and intervention tracts shall be occured analysis and comparing to other tracts shall be done to see which is the most effective and accurate in the diagnosing and intervention of abdominal aortal aneurism. Patient confidential information shall be maintained throughout this essay, therefore in line with the codification of professional behavior, Nursing and Midwifery Council ( 2008 ) .Case study80 old ages old, Mr X, of height 5 pess 8 tall who weighted 50 kilograms presented to his GP on the 6th of February 2010 with 6 yearss history of ir level(p)ity. During physical scrutiny a throbing mass was noted in his venters. The patient had no symptoms related to aneurysm, such us bac k or abdominal hurting. The GP discovered during conversation with Mr X that his brother died from rupture abdominal aortic aneurysm a twelvemonth ago. Mr X smokes 3 battalions of coffin nails daily. His past medical records showed that, he had chronic clogging pneumonic disease, high blood pressure, ischemic encompass disease which he had a beltway surgery 15 old ages ago. He besides had an MI 2 old ages ago keep opening had transdermal conary intervention ( PCI ) to circumflex and right coronary arterias.The GP suspected that Mr X had an AAA and referred him for ultrasonography skim over to govern out the size of AAA. The echography scan was conducted two hebdomads subsequently seeing the GP. The scan revealed an aortal aneurism below the degree of the nephritic arterias mensurating 5.99 cm A-P diameter. Mr X was referred to a vascular sawbones who recommended a CT scan to look into the extent and anatomical construction of the aneurism to see Mr X s suitableness for endovasc ular repaiComputer Tomography Angiogram aorta was performed a hebdomad after the ultrasound scans. CT angiogram with blood showed a big infra-renal abdominal aortic aneurism which measures maximally 6 centimeter in diameter. It besides demonstrated good infra-renal cervix. sonography of the venters showing an infrarenal aortal aneurism steps 5.99 centimeter. ( Local NHS Trust 2010 )Axial CTA with contrast of the venters demoing infrarenal aortal aneurism mensurating 6 centimeter ( pointers ) with partial calcified integral rampart( Local NHS Trust 2009 )The sawbones so referred Mr X for an elected vascular surgery be originator his aneurism was big and carried a high hazard of rupture and decease. single hebdomad before his surgery, Mr X had a chest X ray, blood trial and EKG which were all normal.On the twenty-four hours of admittance, his pulsation was 68BP/min and regular with a blood force per unit area of 140/80 mmHg.The below tabular array shows pre-assessment blood probes do ne.Blood TestMr X s consequenceNormal Laboratory Test ValuesEntire white blood cell expect6.56 M/mcL3.8 M/mcL to 5.6 M/mcLhemoglobin14 g/dL11 g/dL to 18 g/dLPlatelet count160150-400Red blood cell count5 M/mcL3.8 M/mcL to 5.6 M/mcLB ureau of intelligence and research1.10.9-1.2Blood urea N6.86 mg/dL6 mg/dL to 23 mg/dLCreatinine98 mg/dL0.6 mg/dL to 15 ng/dL( Tinkham 2009 )Preoperative appraisal was done to croak Mr X s sawbones a get a line of his overall wellness position.A complete blood count was performed to look into for the presence of infection, ensured an equal florid blood cell volume and regulation out serious haematological abnormalcy.Electrocardiography ( ECG ) was performed to measure cardiac arrhythmias and diagnose cardiac upsets such as myocardial infarction.Chest X ray was done to measure the presence of infection, bosom failure, emphysema and other status that may act upon surgical result.Creatinine and urea were performed to place job with nephritic clearance pre operatively.INR trial was done to guarantee coagulating world power before surgery.The International Normalized Ratio ( INR ) was done to guarantee blood coagulating ability before surgeryOn the 30/ 4/2010, Mr X underwent an endovascular aortal arrest and was transferred to intensive attention unit while proctor his status for 3 yearss. He was discharged and had a wholly recovery after a month. Mr X had a go on up postoperative ultrasound and field picture show x beam of venters. X beam and ultrasound was conducted at 1and 6 months to look into the place of the stent ingraft and endoleaks. However, the scan and ten beam showed no drive of any complication.Plain skiagraphy of venters at 1 month the unity and migration of Zenith stent engraftRaad ( 2010 )DiscussionAAA is a comparatively common and potentially grave status associated with old age. The bulk of abdominal aortal aneurisms do non do any symptoms and hence diagnostic is frequently missed. In many instances, the exac t cause of aneurism is still ill-defined. However, harmonizing to Baker ( 2009 ) , the primary cause of aortal aneurism is atherosclerosis and other factors for case, male over 65 old ages, smoke, a overconfident house clutch bag history, COPD and high blood pressure contribute to the hazard.An probe of Mr X s AAA was done during a physical scrutiny of the venters which was conducted for other grounds. somewhat 75 % of abdominal aortal aneurisms are symptomless and are found by the way during abdominal physical scrutiny or radiographic probes say for other conditions, ( Anderson et al 2001 ) . Aneurysm tactual exploration on physical scrutiny has merely been shown to be sensitive in thin patients and those with abdominal aortal aneurism & A gt 5 centimeter with an overall sensitiveness and specificity of 68 % and 75 % , severally for sensing of AAA, ( Fink et al 2000 ) .The primary mode used to corroborate Mr X s aneurysm size was made by ultrasound. Ultrasound is a standard im age mode for an probe of suspected symptomless and inspection of abdominal aortal aneurism. Ultrasound is safe, non- encroaching(a), comparatively cheap, widely available and does non expose patient to radiation. It is the best option for observing and mensurating the size of aneurism. However, harmonizing to Sparks et Al ( 2002 ) ultrasound can non accurately specify the extent of the aneurism as it can be altered by intestine gasses, and hence is unequal for preoperative preparation of endovascular fix.Computerized Tomography Angiogram ( CTA ) of the venters was the 2nd mode to be used to look into the extent of Mr X s abdominal aortal aneurism and the aneurysmal cervix for preoperative planning. CTA is going the diagnostic imagination mode of pick in the preoperative appraisal of patients with an abdominal aortal aneurism. However it has some disadvantages for case, it uses high doses of radiation, cost effectual and requires endovenous contrast but it is faster and extremely ac curate in finding the size and extent of the aneurism, and its relation back to the nephritic arterias. ( Hafez 2009 ) .The other mode that could hold been used for preoperative planning for Mr X s abdominal aortal aneurism is magnetic resonance angiogram ( MRA ) . Harmonizing to Aburahma ( 2007 ) , MRA is merely used for surgical planning fix when CTA contradicts with patients with contrast allergic and nephritic failure. However, both computerized mental imagery and magnetic resonance imagination are effectual for preoperative planning fix. CTA and MRA imaging provide high-resolution imagination of the aorta and find proximal and distal boundaries of the aneurism, says ( Upchurch 2009 ) .MRI scan is comparatively clip devouring, really expensive and may be distorted by apparent movement artifact, extended calcified plaque and metallic surgical stents Upchurch ( 2009 ) . Hence, MRA is non used for preoperative appraisal of endovascular fix. Mr X s preoperative mode was good as he did non hold any contraindication such as contrast allergic reaction or nephritic failure for him to undergo a magnetic resonance angiogram scan. With magnetic ringing Angiogram, endovenous dye is non required and it does non expose the patient to radiation as compared to Computer Tomography Angiogram, ( Truijers 2009 )The primary end of intervention depends on the size of the aneurism, the conjecture of rupture and the patient s status. The purpose of surgical intervention is to forestall aneurism from rupture for patients with symptoms such as back hurting, or symptomless aneurism greater than 5.5 centimeter in diameter, ( Hakaim 2006 ) . When sing intervention of abdominal aortal aneurism there are two types of fix unfastened fix and endovascular aneurism fix.Endovascular aortal fix ( EVAR ) was recommended as the most appropriate intervention for Mr X taking into history short and long term hazards and the benefits of both processs in relation to his age and co-morbidity e very bit good as anatomical suitableness. This Endovascular aortal fix is a safe process and can be efficaciously performed in a patient with the suited anatomy for illustration, a individual with infrarenal aortal diameter no larger than 26 millimeters and aortal cervix length at least 15-20mm without inordinate angulations, ( Hallett 2009 ) . However, in such patients with a suited anatomy and surgical expertness, increasing the usage of endovascular aortal fix is likely justified establish on its better preoperative result informations ( Hallett 2009 ) .EVAR relies to a great extent on nomadic C-arm image intensive. This enables the sawbones to utilize x-ray images to visualize the intromission of stent transplant through the femoral arteria up to the site of the aneurism while being imaged. However, this it exposes patient to radiation during the process and in subsequent follow upEVAR is a less invasive process with a potentially reduced morbidity, mortality of 1.6 % , intensi ve attention, entire infirmary stay and a quick recovery clip comparison to open fix with morality of 4.6 % , ( Tinkham 2009 ) . In the prospective randomized controlled tests, EVAR has been shown to hold a significantly better preoperative result, ( Tinkham 2009 ) .In contrast to EVAR, unfastened fix requires a surgical exposure of the aorta clamping. Open fix was non recommended for Mr X because of hapless province of wellness due to his medical co-morbidities which limit his day-by-day activities. Harmonizing to Anderson ( 2009 ) , unfastened fix is non suited for patients with co-morbidity including terrible chronic clogging pneumonic disease or myocardial misdemeanor which places at high hazard.EVAR carries a high hazard of complications which would necessitate farther surgery to rectify. This requires postoperative long-run follow-up imagination as the long term lastingness of the stent transplant remains unsure, ( Liaw et al 2009 ) .Mr X underwent a postoperative follow up obviously abdominal x beam and ultrasound at 1 month to look into the stent transplant unity and migration. Plain skiagraphy is easy to obtain and widely available. It still plays a utile function in measuring the metallic unity of the stent transplant but the truth of endoleaks is limited. However, the field movie can be used in concurrence with ultrasound as a method of follow up, ( Mattes et al 2011 Ginter et al 2009 ) . Duplex ultrasound imaging is non-invasive compared to CT. Studies show that duplex ultrasound had a sensitiveness of 90 % while CT had of 58 % in sensings of endoleaks, ( Badri et al 2010 )Contrast-enhanced CT is another imaging mode that could hold been used for Mr X s postoperative endovascular aortal fix. This image mode is expensive, less accurate in sensing of little endoleaks and it exposes patients to radiation and is. However, the major concern sing the frequent usage of contrast-enhance CT including additions cost and cumulative radiation doses which l eads to lifetime malignant neoplastic disease hazard to patients have shift toward color semidetached house ultrasound, ( Mattes et al 2011 ) .MRA is alternate mode could hold been used for postoperative rating of Mr X s stent transplant fix. Mr X can non undergo MRA as his aneurism was treated with Zenith stent transplant which may be distorted by gesture artifact in the magnetic field. Harmonizing to Liaw et Al ( 2009 ) , MRA is every bit accurate as CTA for sensing of endoleaks but is really expensive and can non be usage to image ferromagnetic stent transplants such as Zenith. Hence, MRA is non utile for postoperative rating of patients with stent transplantsDecisionI think the tract taken to name Mr X s abdominal aortal aneurism was right and besides the most current pattern taken in many infirmaries. Endovascular aortal fix is a less invasive process with a potentially decreased morbidity and mortality. Endovascular aortal fix has been widely performed and it is an effectual o ption to open fix, peculiarly for patients with medical comorbidities. However, the mandatary follow up after is a disadvantage of this technique.Despite the disadvantages, CT remains the most widely used mode in preoperative planning for abdominal aortal aneurism and postoperative surveillance after endovascular aortal fix. In contrast to computing machine imaging, ultrasound is the simplest, cheapest, mode used for suspected and surveillance of AAA. It is a standard mode used in concurrence with field movie in some infirmaries for follow up after endovascular aortal fix. Overall, imaging provides an spread outing aggregation of tools, leting progressively accurate probe of AAAs and patient choice for endovascular aortal fix. Surgeons and radiotherapists in this field should be cognizant of the technological betterments in each imagination mode, to do the right picks before, during and after endovascular aortal fix

Monday, May 20, 2019

Impact of Computer on Our Society

Ilorin Being a paper presented at the closing ceremony of the 1st electronic calculator genteelness and issuance of certificate by nondrinker Computer Centre on the 15th September 2007 psychiatric hospital At this closing ceremony of the 1st computer training and issuance of certificate by Ascetic Computer Centre, let us lift our eyes toward the ch all toldenges that await us in the years to come.It is our enormous good fortune, as organisers, that time and chance fuddle put us non sole(prenominal) at the edge of a chapter in the lives of these graduands, and on the edge of a bright new sight in their affairs a moment that will make their by nature, and their character, for many years to come. Guided by the ancient vision of a promised future, let us set our sights upon a set of graduands of new promise. However, our work on to this new future seemed slight certain than it did yesterday. We must vow to set a clear course to renew our generation.We should thank the org anisers for their vision towards the creation of new Nigerians who will appreciate problems, exhilarated by challenges, and strengthened by achievements, Nigerians with best(p) employment opportunities, who will be job creators. Computer is gaining vast popularity globally in recent years. Its use, which extended cultivation- treat capabilities, be influencing organizations of all types and sizes bringing about changes in institutional goals, traffic and operations.A grand percentage of the activities in any institution or organisation comprise the processing of communicating selective information in the production and distri exception processes. In the developing countries, computers argon becoming part of everyday activities because of the physical body of information they generate and their speed of delivery (Award 1988). 1 What is a Computer A computer is an electronic device, which accepts and processes info by following a set of instruction manual (PROGRAM) to produc e an accurate and efficient egress (INFORMATION). Since the ultimate aim of computer is to produce information, the art if computing is often referred o as information processing. The values of the computer lie solely on its high speed (due to its electronic nature), ability to submit large amount of data, the unfailing accuracy and precision. These account for its supremacy over manual computation. The computer labor began in the late forties with a very small initial investment, and has been increasing both in strength and importance. When nonp aril looks behind with analytical mind, we give the axe conclude that computer technology keeps on progress with remarkable incr still in speed, accuracy and reliability.Computing in whatever field, science, business, and industry is reaching directly or indirectly into various aspects of our society thereby, without loss of generality has shrunk the world into such a compactness that no part can afford to lack behind or live in isol ation. The advent of electronic computer was hailed by the world as a great r growth, uniform any industrial revolution, it promised to degage man from simple round jobs of repetitive nature by providing computing power. The first to have use this facility was the search for scientific enquiries.This was not unconnected with the fact that the designers of these outlines were scientists themselves. Several problems have been eluding all right solutions, though numerical methods of solutions exist but involved a very huge gracious. Not only did computer make reliable solutions possible it equally opened new application methods or field of studys. To extract but a few be the optimization techniques of trading operations Research (OR), the awe-stricken field of space research, the molecular(a) restructuring in Biochemistry etc. It would have been tedious inexhaustible, incomplete and inaccurate to list all the possible applications of computer. there is no limit tot he uses and applications of computer hence there is hardly a pegleg of science that can resist computer invasion.After science was business. Because of the natural conservatism, oppressive and exploitative nature of this flesh coupled with their cautions approach to subjects, did not deem the computing machine fit until its worth and capabilities had been proved. What came to be know and embraced by this class was the importance of computer for decision aking and data processing, for these reasons, elaborate mathematical tools give care Operations Research (OR), Critical Path Method (CPM), and Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT) which were developed in the proterozoic fifties attained respectable height in the eyes of this class. Common examples of data processing are payroll, report, inventory management, banking, airline seat reservation etc. These required a lot of input and create and relatively little computing. Hence the costs of computing in such areas tend to be near bound by inputting the data and outputting the results.Some applications resembling airlines seat reservation, banking business and inventory control, call for real-time systems, which are dedicated to a particular application. They furnish immediate responses to input signals. For examples, it is easier today for one to know his education of account in a bank the moment signals for such requests are sent to the computer. Similarly debited or credited accounts are updated almost immediately for further transactions. The Need for Computer Most of our national projects could part be accomplished with the use of computers.Consider the registration of voters for election, common entrance examination into Nigeria Secondary Schools and conducting head counts (census) to point of reference only a few. These involve a huge volume of data, and would naturally be unwise if accomplished manually as it would be tiring, inaccurate and unspoiled of errors. 3 Going with the history/evo lution of computers, the search for a realistic head count by the joined States census bureau in 1890 led to the development of an electro-mechanical machine that helped greatly during the census by cutting down the man-hour required for the processing of the census data.The accuracy of computer cannot be over-emphasized and it conforms to the objective of using the computer. A cashier in a departmental store would definitely find life boring if all calculations, issuance of receipts and bragging(a) of change would be done manually for each customer after each transaction. But with the encourage of an adding machine the job is done accurately and he feels relieved. Going from the adding machine to the computer itself, the ability of the computer to perform repetitive tasks makes things easier.Once the computer is programmed using the adequate software the whole job is done with ease. The occupy for computer in our banking system cannot be underrated because of the huge amount of transactions and the accuracy desired. Similarly in the data processing environment where the bulk of the job is either sorting, merging files, updating information, searching for a particular key in a pile of data etc. , all these the computer does with ease and accurately too. In a developing economy like ours, the speed of the computer is again one of the distinguishing factors that make it inevitable.From the saying that Time is Money, speed is equally synonymous to time, and since computers work as a phenomenal speed coupled with its ability to access records or information directly from remote locations, efforts should be directed towards introducing computer into every facets of human endeavour. Computer and Unemployment The extent to which the computer has come to permeate all levels of our society is immeasurable. In fact, it does not matter, what you plan to do for a living, you will encounter the computer.Its impact is alike to that of the automobile and television. Thin gs could be quite different with computers, but it has become part 4 of our society. The automobile is by and large responsible for the air pollution and congestion of our cities today. The television has been accused of literally rotting our minds. Technology is unremarkably a bit of mixed blessing and the computer is no exception. There is a popular slogan and fear that computer causes unemployment. From a professional point of view, it is untrue.The problem therefore is the ability to distinguish amongst unemployment and job displacement. Hence with a thorough distinction between the two, computer should be seen as a saviour from slavery. Before delveing the question of displacement and unemployment, it might be necessary once again to define computer. Computer as earlier defined, is an electronic device or machine, which accepts data, following several(prenominal) sets of logical instructions to produce the needful results. therefore we have to ask ourselves, can this so- called computer operate without the full assistance of human being?Can we just go to the computer for a complaint and have our problems solved without having to call on some pre-written programs meant for specific assignments, and written by programmers of course? The answer to these questions is no It is true that behind every prosperous man there is a woman, also behind the successful operations of computers there is a brain (the man). Computer on its own is just an empty calamity or a junk, and can in no way do any intelligent job, but with programs written the jobs are done.Therefore if a computer is given a job with the logical step to follow, it can do it better, faster and more accurately than human beings and these are some of the advantages. Consider the developed countries like Japan, USA, UK etc. , where their industries are filled with Robots. The word Robot pith labour. Robots are no human beings but rather are machines that can be programmed to carry out complex an d tedious task without get bored or tired. Robots are blind, deaf and have no sense of touch. Therefore jobs that are hazardous, tedious, that could be left undone are done by these Robots.Considering an assembly set out where the 5 only thing a man does in such a plant is just to take the assembled goods out of the plant to give chance for the Robots to start assembling another. What a miracle it is to know that if a Robot breaks down in the course of its duty, almost immediately a fellow Robot (Doctor Robot) will attend to it to put it back to work. Think of the most dangerous tasks, which for the love of our dear lives we cannot do, these Robots do them. Ample examples are, blast furnace, disaster area (caused by poisonous gas) marshy areas etc. of course Robots do these jobs not holding of any relations or parents and in fact, at a faster speed enhancing productivity. How does computer displace people and who are those displaced? As earlier mentioned, computer can only do a r outine job and cannot commend in any form. Now come to think of some well-structured organizations, UAC, SCOA and Leventis etc. , there are skillful personnel and unskilled workers/clerks. The daily job of these unskilled workers are mere routine jobs like accounting procedures, oading and assembling goods which can be taken over by computers that will do it better, faster and in fact, more reliable thereby enhancing greater productivity. These labourers so displaced by computer can be taken to such areas as sales since more articles are produced. These workers should go out soliciting for markets. While the managers, engineers and technician can not be displaced because they as skilled in their job, they do real thinking. Therefore to supplement these greater strength and productivity of the computer, these skilled workers should be kept in an airconditioned office, and in fact, think of things yet to happen.No wonder the United States of American sees nothing left on earth aga in and hence proceeded to exploit the outer space. With these creative forces in operation, the prices of goods and the workers conditions of service would be improved. 6 Recently, these big time companies embarked on agriculture. These unskilled workers could be better utilized there, and more of them is needed for such jobs. In Africa, there are popular terms like laziness, redundancy, unproductively, etc. These are happening because there are no challenges to face.What we do mostly are routine jobs which could be boring thereby creating unhappiness and in such a situation we become less productive. The routine jobs should be given to computers while a conducive atmosphere be created for the skilled workers to think of ways of making the continent self reliant. Computer and Job Creation Let us consider a particular case study of an information system, the effect of computer and how it helps creating jobs. An information system means the collection and processing of data to yield useful information for decision making.To collect data, enumerators are needed to actually go to the field for data collection, typist are needed too and other people busy in the course of recording the data and finally statisticians computer operators use the computer for processing the data to give useful results (information). Again think of the case of our consultancy services. Any company going into such ventures like agricultural business needs a consultant having in his service Agricultural scientists, soil scientists and array of other professionals in allied discipline to perform the feasibility studies.They give useful information to customers are regards the type of crops to plant, the planting seasons, the fertilizers to apply and when, the type of pests attracted by such plants etc. , all these lead to greater productivity and this is one of the things the attention of our professionals should be directed to. Come to think of the perennial problems of Cancer, AIDS and some other deadly diseases, which we have no solutions to. Our scientist and medical personnel should use most of their time addressing their minds through intensive research towards providing a remedy to such ills of the society while the computer is left to do their routine jobs for them. History has it that the early jobs where computers were employed were in accounting, payroll, ledger etc. , all of which had fixed procedures or routine hence it was easier to computerize these systems to enhance productivity and save workers from boredom. However, it must be recognized that computer requires lesser number of personnel, it can produce more and it is not likely to go on gestation leave, nor go on strikes, nor demand overtime or old age pension etc.Also the use of computer creates more jobs such as consultancy, developing and selling of software and hardware while the displaced workers could be trained as salesmen to market the goods or taken to such areas like agriculture where they can serve humanity. Therefore computer will lead to re-arrangement in the organizational set up and this will lead to greater productivity. Conclusions Computer offer innumerable benefits in enriching the quality and quantity of goods and services in any organisation.Despite the plethoric nature of computer in virtually every aspect of human endeavours, it has not been widely combine into the production and distribution processes in Nigeria. Its integration will not only revolutionize the economy, it will mystify the development of individual innate scientific inquiry mind and their critical thinking abilities. COMPUTER PROVIDES long-range LIFE, REDUCES WORKING HOURS AND GREATER REMUNERATION IN RETURN.REFERENCES Ayo, C, K. (1994). Computer literacy Operations and appreciation. Egbe Alanukitan Press Walton, D. (1984). Blob (Computer Program) Applied system knowledge (ASK). London Unwin Ltd 8