Saturday, April 27, 2019

Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise in Markets Essay

Innovation, yeastyness and Enterprise in Markets - Essay characterThe industry that has been selected for fulfilling the objective of this study report is that of the universities in the UK. The report pass on be composite of the selected university digest so that the relevance of the selected study can be established. The near essential sector of the report will be composite of evaluating the various approaches being followed in the UK universities for the effective utilisation of the concept of innovation, creativity and enterprise. The report, at the end, will draw up essential conclusion regarding the key issues being identified from the entire raft with respect to the concepts. 2. Industry Analysis The industry consisting of the various universities in the UK offers the most valuable services to the pack not only within the local region but also to the people all rough the world. The UK universities are open to students coming from all around the world with the required skills and potentials demanded by the universities. The industry players or the number of universities in the UK are all concentrated on providing quality education to the students with proper confidence and dignity. The universities conduct r come out of the closetine analysis of the various courses that they offer so as to making sure that the spend a penny of education that they offer are up-to-date and essential for the betterment of the students. The UK is considered to be holding the most capacity to attract international students among the western countries of the world. Although seven European countries have been identified to be placing stiff disputation to the UKs position, the extremely competitive advantageous position of the UK with respect to providing education to the international students have help this country to remain at the topmost position. Autonomy, funding, staffing of international students and assistance of the funding council are the four most advant ages of the universities in the UK (Becker & Et. Al., 2009). However, in the future, the competition within the UK universities will increase since the recession has put a triggering bollocks up upon the people striving for application for achieving degree from the UK universities. During September 2009, 465,000 people had applied for the acquisition of degree (Curtis, 2009). 3. UK Universities- Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise Innovation, creativity and enterprise are the traits that the European countries like that of the UK aim to foster among the people. The universities have been guessd to be the best source through which these traits can be injected into the students or the prospective future entrepreneurs. The UK universities follow a number of principles, practices and processes for creating the entrepreneurial mindsets among the students. In this section of the report, the analysis of those principles, processes and practices will be undertaken so as to evaluate thei r effectiveness. The various noteworthy universities in the UK have adopted the process of innovative learning through creative thinking in order to develop upon the characteristics of an entrepreneur among their students. The practices undertaken within the universities are composed of various policies and guidelines for carrying out innovation management and enterprise skill development among others. The practices handle the several societal, economical, entrepreneurial and managerial

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